„wie Chrysostomus schreibet“ – Kirchenväterzitate als normative Referenzen für den Umgang mit Trauer in frühneuzeitlichen Funeralschriften Herausforderungen und Potenziale der Digital Humanities für ihre Erforschung

Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt

Benedikt Brunner


References to the authority of the Church Fathers played an important role in the formation of the own identity in Protestantism during the Reformation and the Confessional Age. The article points to the possibilities offered by funerary writings in a reception-historical perspective, as well as the potential of digital methods for this research context. In funerary writings, a whole range of passages from the Church Fathers were appropriated and used for their own normative conveying intentions. In addition to the content-related perspective, the article pleads for an interdisciplinary cooperation between patristics, early modern church history and the digital humanities.

